sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013

Frases sueltas en días aburridos.

Jessica Riddle
He decidido que voy a postear más cositas por aquí, así que les he traido algo breve pero conciso. Espero les guste. También, quiero postear una canción que joder, parte el alma, pero es muy linda la voz de la que la canta. Creo que la chica no es muy conocida, no entiendo por qué si es preciosa y canta como diosa, se llama Jessica Riddle, sí, Riddle, como el Señor Oscuro. Y nada, eso es todo, enjoy!

"La relevancia quería escapar de tu piel, la relevancia quería huir de tu recuerdo, entonces se entregó a la busqueda de una sospecha, a la busqueda de un punto para empezar a rasgarse, a caerse de tu figura que debió morir en el momento en el que aseveró y apestó a juego."

Gone - Jessica Riddle

I know you're gone, I know you're leaving me, behind your dreams,
Behind your prayers.
What do you think, What do you want, What do you love,
What do you love?

I hear your sighs, I hear your heartbeat, pound me on my back,
I'm on my own now.
What do I see, What do I feel, What do I love,
What do I love?

I know you're gone, I know you're leaving me, behind your dreams,
Behind your prayers.
What do you think, What do you want, What do you love,
What do you love?

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Desatando mis infiernos

Hola chicos, emmm, pues nada quise venir a dejar esto aquí ya que hace mucho no siento mayor cosa. Y hoy, sentí e hice esto, que tampoco es que sea muy wow pero pues quise compartirlo en el blog. Espero les guste, enjoy...!

Recuerdo que un día, me enamoré de una estrella, un suspiro privado y prestado del cielo.
Yo la quería para mi y como cualquiera hubiera hecho rogué a los cielos por esa estrella,
consciente de mi futuro, consciente de que le otorgaría felicidad. 
El cielo en su arrogancia, me la negó y con el tiempo, esa doncella me abandonó, pues el cielo era más vasto que el mar que yo le ofrecía, pero que ella no veía. 
Recuerdo mis lagrimas, mi llanto y mi dolor al sentir su indiferencia abofeteandome la cara, aplastando mi corazón, pateando el amor que le profesaba. 
Hoy, en una tormenta que hilvana la vida, mi estrella a la que sigo amando, fue sacada del cielo. 
Y yo maldigo al destino y al cielo, por ser tan cruel y dejar que pase esto. 
Al menos ayer, yo me sentía en la tierra, exiliada, ahora es como si el destino me golpeara y me dijera, no, no será para ti, con el cielo o sin el, nunca lo será pues ella, no te amará de nuevo, no mereces que te ame. 
No mereces ser amada.

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

El hada.

Hacemucho que no escribo, bueno, sí, he escrito, pero lo que he escrito era algo exclusivo para alguien. Pero hoy, vengo a introducirles a ese alguien... es un hada que me encontré en el camino y que me regalo algo muy lindo... lo expreso aquí. Es ella.

Imaginarte a mi lado me costó agua, agua de mis ojos,
supresión de mis impulsos, supresión en mis suspiros.
Soñarte costó, me costó el tiempo, me costó la espera,
la espera que aprovecho a ver si lo que espero de mi vida,
la muerte, llegara de paso.
Olvidarte me costó, me cuesta cada día,
más de lo que costó tratar de no quererte,
tratar de no incorporarte a mis fantasías.
Pero te toqué, te viví aunque poco, pero fue lo justo,
Me deshice en poesía en forma de mariposas a tu lado,
prosa regalada y revestida de versos efimeros
que espero no pierdas entre los sillones de tus memorias.
Esa memoria tuya... olvidadiza y amada por mi, pues amo lo que significas enamorada,
perdida entre las hadas de mis adagios y tus sonatas,
entre tu voz y la mía, que también era tuya, cuando eramos "nosotras".

Ahora estoy aquí tratando de no vivirte mucho,
tratando de no encontrar los bosques que visito en sueños.
El aburrimiento y la queja mínima que se podría unir al suplicio de nuestros conflictos,
me advierten de creer en cualquier pensamiento fatalista, a ver si no espero mucho, a ver si mi imaginación se acostumbra a tu ausencia,
A ver si quizá estando tú aquí,
en medio de serenatas religiosas que al soñar se vuelven elegías,
plenas de sinsabores y plenas de miedos, me temes, nos temes y te alejas.
A ver si aún le temes a transmutar esos duendes en hadas, que tienen ganas de vivir y aún no se atreven.

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

A review: The blind side of love by Ingrid Diaz *-*

Okay, se supone que esta vez estoy barely tratando de hacer una reseña sobre mi libro favorito of all times (TBSOL) para mi clase de lectura en ingles, se supone que debo buscar los terminos adecuados para que las personas que la lean se entusiasmen a cerca del libro y aunque tengo todas las ganas de recomendarselo a todos los seres vivientes de este planeta, lo unico que me salio fue esto. Asi que pues, como lo escribi asi super emocionada, pues le hice una entrevista a la autora (Ingrid Diaz) para asi incluir sus palabras en la reseña, me quede corta en escribir lo que va despues luego si segui y encontre la luz. Enjoy.

Sometimes, when I ask writers about their creative processes I can get answers from: “I saw a chair and made a story out of it” to “I was in a car and listened to a song and created a story about it” like Ingrid Diaz, the star behind “The blind side of love” a romantic light comedy packed with funny and exciting situations as well as familiar experiences that anyone can relate to. She has rewritten the novel to be published two times now. She couldn’t publish it before because of contract issues. The final version will be published officially in 2013. Also, she was the author of Alix & Valerie, her debut novel which was published in 2008. When asked about how she got the idea for TBSOL, Diaz laughs and says:

 “The idea came to me about four in the morning; back when I was in college...On the weekends we’d stay up all night watching movies and then go out to get food at weird hours... So, we were in the car, listening to the radio, and a song came on. ..That same week, I’d met a girl at school who was obsessed with that singer, and I started thinking how interesting it would be if this girl started chatting with the singer online and didn’t know it was her. The thought led me to wonder if one could build a love story on that premise...”

 Also, she explains that the idea stayed in her head and it slowly started to take shape. Over time, the concept of a singer meeting a fan online morphed into one of an actress meeting someone entirely by accident. She claims she sat down to start TBSOL about a year and a half after that.

Although she started writing a long time after she came with the idea, when she finished the book, her readers online told her they wanted more. They wanted a sequel. So, she started to upload a second version by chapters from time to time in LiveJournal while solving personal stuff. Then, people from all countries started to follow her uploads and she found herself thanking people when they confessed they would create an account just to read her. 

“The first draft of TBSOL was under contract for publication about a week after I finished it. I was contacted by a popular publisher of lesbian fiction, who loved the book. I had an editor who sent me back a lot of notes. I began editing the book for publication, but the publisher closed down before my book was published. I was pretty disappointed. I decided to fix it a little at a time, and focus on my paranormal series, Rayne. Then, I started working as a professional blogger. For the next four years, I was busy and making decent money from my blogging and graphic design work. I abandoned Rayne, but always found myself going back to TBSOL. I felt guilty that people were still following the story and that I wasn't updating it very frequently, so I'd work on it from time to time. I knew people wanted more after version one because they told me. If my publishing contract hadn't fallen through back when it did, then TBSOL v1 would have been published, and there would be no version 2 or 3. So, it turned out to be a blessing.”

But, does one endanger when wanting to rewrite something lots of people in the internet have read already? Well, challenges are what Ingrid Diaz wants to fight against when writing. TBSOL is filled with characters that deal with challenges and this is the message she tries to give us. In 2011, in an entry in her journal she says her biggest challenge has been figuring out the book all over again without disappointing her readers. She admits it was a daily struggle because their expectations were constantly affecting her creative process.  And she confesses:

“I don’t write because I’m good at it, or because it comes easily to me. I don’t share what I’ve written because I think it’s so amazing and everyone should read it. I do it because it scares me. I do it because it’s difficult. I do it because I don’t want fear to stop me from doing what I love. And I don’t want fear to stop anyone else from doing what they love, or what they think they might love.” She writes to be brave to show others they are not alone and they can also be brave. Especially LGBTI people, because they can sometimes feel not relate to anyone that’s why she blogs and other things that are related to it.

The blind side of love characters show the fear of being put out naked in the middle of the crowd and the fear to be judged for what you love and to be seen different from people who you care, the fear of being alone.

Julianne Franqui one of the main characters in the novel is an actress who everybody knows and talks about, but only one person knows her, Adrian Cruz, her best friend. She is tired and feeling like she can relate to anybody. Until she sees the painting.

While she is in New York City she goes to Washington Square Park and sees a painting which shows a crowd gathered in circle looking at somebody and this person’s shadow is inside the circle but she is outside of it looking at other place. She feels identified and buys it. What she doesn't know is that this painting is going to be the path to fill in that emptiness she feels within her, that her head is soon going to be upside down.  

Kris Milano, the artist of the painting is the other protagonist. She is a Puerto Rican who lives in New York City. She is twenty years old, studies visual arts and loves it. She has a boyfriend called Nathan but actually her parents are the ones who are in love with him, not Kris, so she is with him to please them. She does what her parents tell her to do, so she is always thinking about what her family would think about everything she wants to do. Kris personally thinks the actress; Julianne Franqui is a snob until she meets her. Although but she doesn’t know she know her, because they talk through internet. The only person that encourages Kris’ dream to make it as an artist is Leigh Radlin, her roommate and best friend. Leigh wants to be an actress and it’s principally who makes Kris’ life easier to live.

One good day Julia Raye (Julianne’s real name) emails Kris to thank her for having painted the piece. They soon start talking to each other about how they feel and although they seem to relate to different stuff they start to get be friends. Also, soon they find themselves doing things they are advice to do by the other one. Reading, staying awake to watch the sunrise, go to museums and let the paintings fill their soul with the peace they lack. All of this without Julianne telling her, she is actually the actress. Julia tells her she is gay. Kris starts wondering how she is like; Leigh tells her she is blond, because the day she bought her the painting Leigh was in charge of their selling spot at the park. Julianne is offered a gay role in a movie; she thinks it through and decides to take it because it's filmed in New York where Kris lives. She and Nathan break up after that he tries her to have sex with him. Kris starts to be happier than usual, because of her friendship with Julianne but there Julianne realizes Kris hates the actress. The lie starts to get bigger. And at the end explodes. Kris gets angry with Julianne but forgives her. From that, there friendship change and soon this starts to become something else, they start to fall in love.

During all this, we watch a series of secondary characters which seem to be there for a reason but aren’t less developed than the others. Diaz while talking about the design of her characters claimed that for her, secondary characters are as important as the main ones. And this, not being unnecessary for the story makes it, even more interesting, complex and complete.

When reading TBSOL for the first time, you found yourself so entangled in the plot, that you feel anything that you do before finishing are distractions and even then, you find yourself wanting to know more, as not wanting it to end.

............ To keep on reading.... go to this link.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

Extraño oirte

Woww, volví  siento haber estado tan ausente todo este tiempo, pero pues no había tenido inspiración y escribir por escribir no se me da bien, es mejor calidad que cantidad ;) El día de hoy os traigo queridos y queridas, un escrito que me senté a hacer por ahí en mis momentos de vagancia :P Y lo segundo, una canción que me encanta que quiero compartir con uds, también una frase que se me ocurrió hoy. Como verán ando INSPIRADISIMA, no, no es un nuevo amor :P es la vida, jejeje así que.... como siempre les digo... Enjoy.

Será que te vas mañana?
Mi corazón se aflige porque siente que tu te vas
te ocultas entre la niebla y te vuelves difusa
esto no había pasado y yo me siento confusa
porque en esta realidad en la que eres lejanía yo soy la lluvia que dejas atrás...

Grito, te llamo, pero creces y la altura te asorda
temo por esto, porque eres lo único original entre la falsedad
pero te vuelves informe y te alejas de mi en silencio,
sin prisas, en una bruma de promesas rotas.
Te vas y quiero hablarte, contarte que hay algo que me abruma
por que la decepción me destempla la boca y al pan matutino le falta sabor.
Podría decirte que la amargura me embarga, porque la luna, musa de mis cantos, me ignora
me piensa irrelevante y me es indiferente.

Quiero ilustrar lo mucho que quiero escuchar
la triste irrealidad de tu cariño y saborear su ahora falso dulzor
para mentirle a mi corazón,
para decirle que me haces falta y que quizás me sigas haciendo hasta que mi alma renuncie

Y si algún día te veo? Y si algún día ya no me miras?
Seré yo la mala por no haber clamado tu nombre entre la gente?

Probablemente me ignores
pues sabrás que a veces pongo mis pensamientos como rocas sobre mas rocas.
Solo se que te necesito y quiero que entre la gente voltees la cabeza,
que reconozcas la cara y el corazón de esta enferma que no te olvido cuando a ella la cubría la niebla.

"Cuando te veo, veo magia,
No te conozco pero veo estrellas y siento estrellas cada vez que te miro, mirándome

Pero eres tan recta y yo tan enredada 
que no puedo evitar mirar, admirar lo que no puedo tener
la sonrisa que no puedo compartir y el guiño que mi mente trata de interpretar a mi favor."