sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Linguistica :D

Jajaja se imaginaran porque le pusé así al poema, pero es que para mi tiene mucho que ver, porque lo hice en mi clase de lingüística... :P jijijiji y en ingles porque pienso que el ingles tiene mas palabras, palabras grises para las que en español son Blanco y Negro, así que es corto pero con mucho amor :D Enjoy!

like the sparks glowing in my mind when I listen to a poem,
While my eyes are close and I airbone.
Glow, like the stars belonging to your lips,
when you look at me...
She flies with the stars, and her hair with the wind.
with the univoque gracefulness of a bird.
And indeed,I hate you, I do.
But I love you in a vocalized context.
Far away from attitudes and egothic thoughts that cross your mind,
while I stare at you.

I dislike your ears when I confess,
but also when you get into my thoughts,
we are one, and have a connection.
The why do you deny us,
the structure of our meaning and the essence of our looks?

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